Begonia elatior Dreams Garden MacaRouge wins FleuroStar Award
We are proud to announce that the FleuroStar Award 2019/20 goes to Begonia elatior Dreams Garden MacaRouge from Beekenkamp Plants. Cor Bremmer, Commercial Director, Marc Driessen, Managing Director, Sirekit Mol, Marketing Manager & Head of Product Trade and Ans van der Velde, Manager Breeding accepted the prize from FleuroStar Committee Chairman Heike Gronemann and Fleuroselect President Karol Pawlak.
Dreams Garden MacaRouge from Beekenkamp Plants was competing against Begonia Viking Red on Chocolate (Sakata Ornamentals), Pelargonium Pretty Little Pink Splash (Syngenta Flowers), Pelargonium Red Explosion (Florensis), Pelargonium Survivor Idols Rosalinda (Dümmen Orange) and Xerochrysum Granvia Gold (MNP flowers).
The jury stated: "Dreams Garden MacaRouge will satisfy the consumer with its shining colour, attractive flowers and fresh image."
A delicious red colour boost for outdoors
Feel like revitalising your outdoor space with an overload of sweetness? This vibrant red beauty is an excellent performer that is easy to take care of. Dreams Garden MacaRouge is an upright Begonia for outside spaces showing an abundance of single, bright red flowers with a sweet yellow heart. MacaRouge is a vigorous grower that not only looks wonderful in containers on the patio but also adds a colour burst to the beds.
Celebrating ten years FleuroStar
The new 'Winner with the Wow Factor' was announced at the FleuroStar Evening on Thursday 13th June at Syngenta Flowers in De Lier (NL). Attended by over 100 persons, the third edition of the event was a big success. Karol Pawlak, President of Fleuroselect: "FleuroStar brings breeding and retail closer together. During the past decade, we have honoured ten striking novelties as 'the winner with the wow' factor, giving them a kick-start on their commercial journey. Meanwhile, these success stories have become genuine must-haves for every green trade and retail partner. I am very happy with the choice of Begonia elatior Dreams Garden MacaRouge as new FleuroStar winner and wish the variety all the best for the upcoming season."
Waterdrinker supports new winner
The new FleuroStar winner will receive considerable marketing support. Next to conducting an international press campaign, Fleuroselect promotes the new winner at trade fairs and industry events. New sponsor Waterdrinker, major Dutch wholesaler selling to international garden centers and florists, will offer premium product placement during 3-4 weeks at its Green Trade Center next season.
Stokvis, the production house behind various Dutch gardening television programmes, will feature the new winner extensively in its star television show 'de Grote Tuinverbouwing'. Pull Position, a marketing agency specialised in retail promotion, offers a tailor made marketing project whereas DeschPlantpak dedicates a full spread in its next lifestyle brochure to the new winner.
More than 30 judges
In total, over 30 professionals in breeding, production, trade and retail evaluate each entry on point of sale attractiveness and commercial potential. Sally van der Horst, Secretary-General of Fleuroselect: "We are very proud of the fact that high-level companies such as Waterdrinker, Royal Lemkes, Obi, Blumen 2000, Intratuin and Jardiland are willing to assess our candidates. FleuroStar's success and credibility is due to the diversity and expertise of our jury."