Which entries excelled with unique appearances and outstanding garden performances, and convinced the jury to award them with a Gold Medal? Which new varieties were sufficient innovative and uniform to obtain the Approved Novelty label? Find out first hand during a short Livestream on 27th January at 16 hrs (GMT+1).
Antirrhinum majus, Calendula officinalis, Cosmos bipinnatus, Echinacea purpurea, Gazania rigens, Helianthus annuus, Helenium autumnale, Ocimum basilicum, Salvia nemorosa, Verbena hybrida, Zinnia elegans and many more ... Last year's Annual Trial was a myriad of innovative plant shapes and exciting colours!
In a 20-minute programme, we will chase away the winter cold and bring in some summer nostalgia. We will look back at the previous trial year, interview the Entries & Evaluations Chairman Ruud Brinkkemper in our studio, present the novelties that resulted from this trial and finally reveal the new Gold Medal winners.